Friday, April 4, 2008

Fifth Assignment

1~ The project of my novel is, that once you have found that one person who cares about you no matter it being your grandma or your wife who ever it is treasure that person and treat them like you would like to be treated. In my novel this man Joe has had a very rough childhood and now that he is grown and is trying to live his life,he doesn't know whether or not to trust people or let them be part of his life. Joe has found this women who let him into her home and now he has betrayed her. After all she has done for him.

2~ The main conflict in my novel is character vs. self

3~ The conflict contributes to the project because, the character Joe is fighting with himself to let people in his life. Its hard for him cause as a child the people who were in his life were mean and hurtful to him. So now that is can make his own desions he chooses not to be hurt again. By not getting close to anyone or letting anyone get close to him.

4~ Other elements that back up my project are the plot, setting, and some what meteaphors.