Friday, March 14, 2008

Third Assignment

1~ My books story is your basic story that may be not for a book but for every day life. AS many books as i have read, i never read one like this but in real life i hear and watch about a young girl or older has got pregnant and they don't know who the father is. They go looking and thinking who it could be. So, my book is based on every day girls seaching for the fathre of thier child, even if they do or don't know who he is.

2~ What makes my story old news is that you now that when a women gets pregnant she is going to go look for the dad she kind of has no choich unless she can raise that baby on her own. SO, a girl searching for the father of her baby is old news not new. You hear about it every day.

3~ Yes, i do think that a writer could write a book on a completely new story,but with the help of all the storys that have been reapeted so many times. i think that you always could do somethink new with the help of something old, it helps you come up with new ideas.